Best Pet Insurance for Beagles

Posted on Friday, February 25, 2022

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From hunting small game to sniffing out contraband, beagles are working dogs that have long since worked their way into dog lovers’ hearts. But with a fondness for wandering and a propensity for genetic conditions, beagles are a breed that can benefit from insurance coverage.

We’ve sniffed out the top pet insurance providers for beagle owners to put you on track to the coverage your pup deserves.

beagle standing in a field during sunset

Why Beagles Need Pet Insurance

All dogs and cats can benefit from pet insurance, and it saves their pet parents money if an accident happens. Like human health insurance, your pet insurance provider can pick up the tab for emergency veterinary care. You choose your coverage and the amount of money you’ll pay out of pocket, and the insurance steps in to pay the rest.

Genetic Risk Factors

Fortunately, beagles are a healthy breed and can live for 12-15 years without any issues. However, since they are purebred dogs, several genetic ailments affect beagles. If you have pet insurance, these conditions may be covered, affording you the ability to properly care for your precious pet when your savings might not be enough.

Common Health Issues

Treatment of serious illnesses can cost upward of $1000, so pet insurance can be a valuable asset for beagle parents. Some common beagle health conditions include:

  • Epilepsy
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Patellar luxation
  • Glaucoma, cherry eye, distichiasis, and other eye conditions
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Chondrodysplasia
  • Artery inflammation

Propensity for Wandering

Beagles are highly active dogs with a tendency to wander. Whether your beagle is a hunting dog or just a housepet, straying away from home can possess a world of risks. From run-ins with wild animals to run-ins with traffic, pet insurance coverage can pick up the bill for injury treatment.

Coverage Plans for Your Beagle

Is your beagle a couch potato or a daredevil? Knowing your pet’s activity level and health history will help you decide how much coverage he needs. Here are the main types of pet insurance coverage:


This type of plan is the lowest cost but offers the least coverage. It covers injuries caused by accidents only. This includes things like animal bites, burns, cuts, and fractures but does not cover breed-specific health issues or illnesses.

If you have an accident-prone but otherwise healthy pooch, this plan can give you some peace of mind without costing too much monthly. It’s also a good option for owners of hunting dogs who don’t need full coverage.

Accident & Illness

Also sometimes called a comprehensive plan, this type covers both injuries and unexpected illnesses. This is the most commonly used type of pet insurance because it covers surgeries, medications, diagnostic testing, and exam fees if your pet gets sick. It costs a little more but is a wise choice if you have a purebred dog like a beagle.

Wellness Package

Standard pet insurance plans don’t typically cover annual vet visits, but you can purchase a wellness care rider with your plan. The wellness package covers yearly checkups, vaccinations, preventative medications like flea control, and sometimes dental care. If you want to keep your beagle in the best shape - and save money doing it - this is a worthy add-on to consider.

vet examining beagle

Our Top Picks for Beagle Pet Insurance

We’ve put together a list of the best pet insurance providers for beagles. These companies have stellar ratings in selection, affordability, and customer care.


  • No limit on genetic and hereditary illnesses
  • Industry’s most flexible routine care plan
  • Up to 90% reimbursement
  • Accident-only for pets over 15


  • Accident, illness, dental, and preventative plans
  • Visit any vet, specialist, or emergency clinic
  • Quick and easy claims process
  • Rated the best for hereditary and congenital conditions


  • The most comprehensive pet insurance provider
  • Offers coverage for non-medical expenses like grooming
  • Offers dental, preventative, and holistic coverage
  • Virtual vet visits included


  • No age or breed restrictions
  • Preventive care plan covers 100% of eligible wellness costs
  • Hereditary conditions are covered at no extra cost
  • 90% reimbursement rate with all plans

Ways To Keep Your Premium Low

Beagles are an affordable breed to insure, but coverage is an extra monthly expenditure that might be taking away from your chew toy fund. To make up for it, here are some ways to keep your monthly pet insurance premium low:

Pick a Pup

If you’ve decided to bring a new beagle into your life, opt for a puppy. They’re less costly to insure (and easier to train). If you already own a beagle, insure him as soon as possible to get the best rate.

Bundle for Benefits

Major insurance providers offer discounts if you bundle pet insurance with your home or auto policy. You can also get a 10% discount for insuring more than one pet with most providers.

Adjust Your Plan as Necessary

Choosing coverage that suits your pet is essential, but it should also fit your budget. Most insurance providers allow you to adjust your deductible, annual limit, and reimbursement rate to lower your monthly cost.

Keep Your Beagle Healthy

Practicing regular preventative care is the best way to keep your beagle from making unexpected vet trips. Since beagles are prone to obesity, make sure to feed your dog a healthy diet and give him plenty of exercise. Keep his ears clean and brush his teeth regularly to prevent dental problems.

beagle eating from a bowl

Final Thoughts

Providing necessary medical care for your beagle should never be a financial decision. Four out of five people don’t have the available funds to cover emergency vet costs, so pet insurance can be a lifesaver. Make sure your little Snoopy is covered with an affordable pet insurance plan from a leading provider.