About Buyer's Guide
Join the millions that have trusted BuyersGuide.org to help them make smarter buying decisions.
Navigating the many choices for every consumer purchase can be challenging. It might take you hundreds hours of wasted time to figure out the best software to learn Spanish, or find the best meal delivery plan that fits your lifestyle and diet, or to figure out which air purifier will best freshen up the air in your living room. But instead of bogging you down and making you do the work yourself, our software crunches similar user decisions to provide the best recommendation for exactly what you’re looking for. We do it instantly, effortlessly, and in a way that’s unique to every user search.
Our team spends hours doing research, combing through forums, and reading consumer reviews on even the most basic of household items, and we summarize that information in clear, precise comparisons. Our rankings change day-to-day based on our proprietary algorithms that crunch data to identify top-performing products and tailor recommendations to exactly what our readers are looking for.

What We Do

We created Buyer's Guide to help consumers make smarter purchasing decisions. Our goal is to highlight helpful, data-driven information that helps our readers spend their money wisely and find the right product to suit their specific needs.
Our independent expert reviews and data-driven shopping recommendations empower you find the products that are right for you.
Your online purchases are important to us. We’ve built our business by referring customers to the right products and services, and we’re the best at it. Since our company was founded, we’ve thrived by connecting would-be purchasers to the right products quickly and efficiently by providing targeted, helpful information to facilitate making the best buying decision for what you’re looking for.
How We Do It

We analyze the data so you don’t have to. Every day, our algorithms crunch thousands of user decisions and we match your results to what people just like you are searching for. We keep our content up to date, constantly looking for new brands and products to compare, and we are quick to remove any that are outdated or no longer meeting our standards. Relying on strong data analysis to drive our site lets us provide you with better recommendations and more helpful product information.
There’s a reason our company has been recognized internationally for advances in technology - it’s because we believe that great software is the best way to guide decision-making. And we built technology that’s quicker, smarter, and more effective than the alternatives.
Why We Do It

Our business is based on helping people. On one level, the information on our sites helps people find the products they’re looking for. But that’s not all that’s important to us: we’re also focused on giving back to our community. It’s important to us that the money our business earns helps to make the world a better place, so we donate a portion of all revenue earned through this site to charities. Previous recipients have included:
- Austin Food Bank
- The Red Cross

Are you a charity that would like to be considered for our quarterly grants? We’d love to hear from you! Send an email to charitypartnerships@buyersguide.org and tell us why you’re a great fit.
How It Works

Our organization isn’t a non-profit, but we are committed to returning a portion of any profits we make quarterly to charities picked by our employees. We earn revenue by receiving commissions when our users buy the products we recommend. Those commissions allow our site to grow, which helps us provide more and better recommendations for users. Basically, we grow by picking out the best products and featuring them on our site. And if we’re great at picking partners that are the top providers of the products and services we compare, we earn a little money for doing it.
If you do find our site helpful and informative, please support us by clicking through to the merchants we compare.
Get In Touch
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Buyer's Guide
2028 East Ben White Blvd, Suite 240 PMB 73367
Austin, TX 78741
(512) 961-1233