Keeper Tax Review

  • Filing Plans: Expert assisted, self-file
  • Refund Method: Direct deposit, check
  • Support: Accountant support
  • Guarantee: Accuracy guarantee, maximum refund guarantee

Keeper Tax


Keeper Tax is a user-friendly tax software designed to simplify the process of tracking and maximizing tax deductions for freelancers and independent contractors. With its intuitive interface and advanced automation, Keeper Tax aims to alleviate the hassle and stress often associated with self-employed tax reporting.

Factors to Consider

Before deciding to purchase Keeper Tax, users should take into account several key factors:

1. Ease of Use: Consider how user-friendly the software is. Is the interface intuitive and easy to navigate? Keeper Tax employs a simple and sleek design, making it easy for users to understand and operate without expert tax knowledge.

2. Accuracy and Automation: One of the significant advantages of Keeper Tax is its ability to automatically track and categorize expenses. It seamlessly integrates with various financial platforms, such as banks and credit cards, to capture and organize receipts and deductibles accurately. This automated approach minimizes human errors and saves users valuable time.

3. Cost: Evaluate the pricing structure and any additional fees. Keeper Tax offers different plans tailored to specific needs, including a free plan with limited features and higher-tier plans with more comprehensive support. Users should consider their budget and the available features to determine the best plan for their personal situation.

4. Customer Support: Assess the level of customer support provided. Users may require assistance in navigating tax-related questions or technical issues. Keeper Tax offers customer support via email and live chat, ensuring that users receive timely help in resolving any concerns or difficulties they may encounter.

5. Security and Data Privacy: Ensure that the software prioritizes data security and privacy. As users will be providing sensitive financial information, it is essential that Keeper Tax implements adequate security measures and adheres to established data protection regulations. Keeper Tax uses encryption and secure servers to safeguard personal information.

Common Questions

Q: Is Keeper Tax suitable for both individuals and small businesses?

A: Yes, Keeper Tax caters to both individual freelancers and small businesses, providing appropriate tax deductions and tracking solutions for their unique needs.

Q: Can I try Keeper Tax before purchasing?

A: Absolutely! Keeper Tax offers a free plan that allows users to explore the software's basic features and functionalities. This gives users the opportunity to assess its suitability and benefits before committing to a paid plan.

Q: Does Keeper Tax support multiple bank accounts and credit cards?

A: Yes, Keeper Tax supports integration with multiple financial institutions simultaneously. This feature enables users to effortlessly track expenses from various accounts, saving time and ensuring comprehensive tax reporting.


Keeper Tax is a reliable tax software designed to simplify tax reporting, maximize deductions, and streamline the entire process for freelancers and independent contractors. It offers an intuitive interface, accurate automation, various pricing plans, excellent customer support, and robust data security measures. With its range of features, Keeper Tax proves to be a valuable tool for anyone in need of an efficient and hassle-free tax accounting solution.

Keeper Tax